
Why You Should Document Your Fitness Journey.

As you begin your health and fitness journey, you should be keeping a record of everything you are doing. The hard work and dedication put into working out and engaging in any physical activities should never go unrecognised. You should also keep track of your nutrition as you chase your fitness goals. Below are some of the reasons why you ought to document that entire process:


Documenting your fitness journey makes it easy to be accountable to yourself, helping you to follow your new routine or plan more consistently. There is no need to have a partner to keep you motivated (although can be useful). All you have is you. Therefore, you have to put in the work to achieve your fitness goals. That is why you ought to document everything you intend to do, helping you remain committed and focused.

Know Your Progress.

It is very important to assess if your fitness journey is paying off. This means monitoring your progress  regularly which will not only keep you motivated, but you can identify areas that need improvement. As a result, you can make changes to your workouts or nutrition, giving you the best chance for success.

Stay Motivated.

The challenges you go through to have a fit and healthy body should never be ignored.  It’s a good thing to just stop for a moment and appreciate how far you have come. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small.  You can easily compare with before and after pictures. This will not only make you proud of yourself but will give you the grit and determination to continue with your goals.

You can track workout sessions, take measurements of your weight, body fat and waist circumference etc. at regular intervals (2-4 weeks) to track progress. This approach will motivate you to keep going once you see what you have achieved. In the same spirit, you may decide to make necessary changes to your meal plans and physical activities so that they are in line with the fitness goals you want to achieve.

Follow The Plan.

Respecting your fitness routine and nutrition plan, means you follow everything that you have highlighted in your plan. This gives you the commitment to wake up every day and hit the gym or engaging in the physical activities of that day. That said, we are human so expect a couple of slip-ups. But, if you have a plan its easier to get back on track if you do hit a bump in the road. The more you follow the plan as expected, the more you will see tremendous improvement in terms of your body composition and fitness levels.

Take Away.

You need a plan and routine if you really want to achieve your fitness goals. This requires you to document your entire fitness journey, identify where you might need to make improvements.  Tracking your progress helps to keep motivated, enjoy the process and just appreciate what you are doing. Follow your plan as closely as you can, you’ll reap the rewards!



