
9 Things You DON’T Do For Weight Loss

There’s lots of misconceptions about weight loss and a lot of confusion over which foods to eat, which exercises to do and which one’s to avoid.

It’s so confusing for most folks, especially as you hear different things all the time and it changes from one week to the next.

Here are 9 things you don’t want to do (although you think you do) for weight loss.

1.  Don’t rely on exercise (only) to lose weight.
Exercise alone is certainly not the ket to weight loss! In fact you have to make sure your exercising properly for your goals, your body type etc. Some studies have shown that too much of the wrong kind of exercise can actually holt weight loss all together.

Don’t neglect exercise though as the overall health benefits are untold and gaining lean muscle the right way will help with fat loss. Nutrition is king when it comes to weight loss. You could train every day but if you don’t change what’s going in your body, your body won’t change.

​Remember, you can’t out-train a poor diet!

2. You don’t have to skip meals or snacks.
If you purposely ship meals to cut calories you will probably end up eating more. You will make yourself more hungry, more irritable and likely to snack on something unhealthy. Skipping meals will also throw your blood sugar levels (insulin) around which is the opposite of what you want to be doing. In general it is better to eat less but more frequently, spaced out during the day, including snacks. Be aware of your portion size and eat snacks that are high in nutrients and fibre (veggies are always a good choice).

3. You don’t need to do endless hours of cardio.
This may surprise and delight some of you! Some think that pounding the treadmill four hours is the best way to burn fat. It’s no surprise as most of the cardio machines tell you about the ‘fat burning zone’. It takes a long time for your body to actually get into the ‘fat burning zone’ and your body can start to save calories (energy). A well designed mixed program of resistance training and higher intensity cardio is more affective and you will be burning more calories at rest. Genetics will play a role in how your body responds to certain training. You may have to try different things but have some fun along the way!

​4. You don’t have to achieve a six-pack.
Getting a six-pack or washboard abs may seem like the holy grail of being fit and healthy. This just isn’t realistic for most people. Achieving it and staying motivated is very difficult. Improving your health should be a big motivator and of course you will shed pounds along the way. Think about the positive affect on your heart, your bones, your posture and your mental well-being.
Improvements to your diet shouldn’t just be about your biceps or buns. Increase your intake of whole nutritious foods, feel energised and reduce the risk of chronic illness.

5. Don’t be duped into buying loads of gadgets, apps or equipment.
Any product that promises a big return for little effort should ring alarm bells. You may have seen the infomercials about the latest ‘ab blaster’ or miracle juice drink. Don’t look for the quick fix! Nothing can beat tried and trusted basics of healthy daily habits done consistently. Being consistent with exercise and eating well will help to keep you in the calories deficit, needed for weight loss (approx -500 cals).

This means regular exercise and eating a diet of whole nutritious foods that match your activity, body type and lifestyle. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ exercise or ‘diet’. Everyone is different so experiment, try new things, you will find a way that suits you and your life and your goals. Hey, why not speak to a professional? We are here to help!!!

6. You don’t have to go ‘gluten-free’.
Gluten free diets have been a big thing the last few years and it has been promoted by some as a sure way to lose weight. It will only be healthier to cut out gluten if you have coeliac disease or gluten intolerance, which has a damaging metabolic affect on the autoimmune system which can lead to serious health problems. You won’t lose weight or improve your health just by cutting out gluten. Looking at your diet as a whole and making adjustments to your all-round intake is where you will make the biggest impact.

7. You don’t have to eat ridiculous amounts of protein.
Yes protein is very important for lean muscle growth and helps you to feel more full. However, protein has the same amount of energy per gram (4 calories) as carbohydrate. In general most people don’t eat enough protein so getting some with each meal (1 palm-size for women 2 for men or equivalent) should be ok. This is a starting point that would need to be adjusted depending on your goals, amount of exercise etc. Be aware of protein that is high in fat or protein bars/products that are high in sugars as this will add up in your daily calorie intake.

8. You don’t have to cut out fat from your diet.
If you ditch all high fat foods like butter or only choose fat-free versions of your usual favourites then you will probably feel hungry or unsatisfied. Getting a balance of healthy fats like omega 3 and 6 into your daily diet has been shown to help with cravings and feelings of fullness. There are also health benefits of getting healthy fats daily. Be cautious of low-fat versions of foods as they will often have added sugars to compensate for flavour. Choose ‘real’ natural versions of healthy fats in moderation.

9. You don’t have to cut out fruit.
I have seen and read about some ‘diets’ that ban fruit all together because of their amount of sugar. The natural sugar in fruits is a much slower digesting than added processed sugars so won’t cause such a ‘spike’ in blood sugar levels. There is the added benefit of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and fibre in fruits. Like all the food groups, be mindful of how this fits into your diet in the bigger picture.

Stop guessing & start progressing…✌️




