1. You DON’T have to get washboard abs

You get overloaded with images of men and ladies with 6-packs and washboard abs. For most people this isn’t realistic and it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ‘healthy’. Be realistic and set yourself up for success not failure. Looking at your overall health and not getting obsessed with achieving chiseled abs or a perfectly sculpted butt will help you to lose weight. Although it may be aesthetically pleasing, there are so many more benefits of exercising and losing pounds. Improving heart health, bone density, posture and mental well-being are just a few!
2. You DON’T need to do endless cardio

You may think that losing weight means endless hours on the treadmill but it doesn’t. In fact if you only do long bouts of cardio it can have the opposite effect and your body starts to conserve energy (calories). By mixing things up a bit with ‘high-intensity interval training’ and weight training, your body will become a more efficient fat -burner. Your metabolic rate will increase, burning more calories at rest and muscle is more metabolically active helping to burn even more calories.
3. You DON’T need any specific products

There are endless gadgets, fitness and weight loss products out there promising quick and easy ways to shed the pounds. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is! There is no short-cut or easy option out there and you are just waisting your hard eared money. Improving your daily habits, eating better consistently and keeping active are what’s important, so keep focused on this. In the end it comes down to burning more calories than you consume. Variation is key to both keeping the body guessing and to keep up your interest and enjoyment. Try new things, experiment and have some fun!
4. You DON’T have to give-up fruit

Some of the popular ‘diets’ out there get you to severely restrict or ban fruits all together. Fruits contain fructose (natural sugar) and the body deals with this differently to processed sugars. Because of the high levels of water and fibre, the body digests fructose slower, impacting on blood sugar levels much less. Another advantage of fibrous fruit is that it slows down carbohydrate absorption and helps to lower cholesterol. So eating fruit can actually be an advantage when it comes to losing weight.
5. You DON’T have to go gluten-free

There has been a lot of publicity about gluten-free diets over the last few years. Some promote going gluten-free as the best way to lose weight but this is just not true. Yes, if you have an intolerance (celiac disease) or gluten sensitivity then it is a healthier way to eat. If you do have either celiac disease or a sensitivity, it affects the function of the immune system by damaging the intestines and adversely effects gut health. Gluten on it’s own doesn’t constitute an unhealthy diet, it’s your overall intake and food choices that needs to be improved.
6. You DON’T have to skip meals

Trying to cut calorie intake by skipping meals regularly is one of the worst things you can do. This is a sure-fire way to feel hungry which leads to poor food choices like unhealthy snacks and overeating. You will also feel irritable, tired and have poor concentration levels. Space out your food and snacks over the day (5 times per day is a popular way but find what works for you). Go for nutrient-dense high-fibre, quality foods in the right portion sizes (veggies make great snacks).
7. You DON’T have to go ‘fat-free’

If you consistently go for the ‘fat-free’ options or totally cut out butter or other fats then you could be left feeling hungry. Studies have shown that those who include healthy fats in their diets feel less hungry and are more likely to stay on track. Instead of going for fat-free versions of your favourite foods, try eating these foods in moderation and the right portion size. Eating better quality, minimally processed foods in the correct portion sizes is the best way to lose weight long-term. Most of the foods that have had the fat reduced or removed have sugary substitutes instead (so could actually be working against you).
8. You DON’T have to eat silly amounts of protein

Protein is important for your overall intake but eating more and more won’t help you lose weight. A target of approx 1g per pound of body weight is a starting point. Your body-type and activity level will dictate if you need slightly more or less. An even easier way to get the right amount of protein is to use your hand-size as a guide; 2 palm-sized portions for a man and 1 for a woman (per meal). There are 4 calories of energy per gram in protein (the same as carbohydrate) so be aware of this. Essentially the body doesn’t know if it’s getting calories from protein, carbs or fats. Check what goes into a lot of the ‘high-protein’ foods as they can have a high sugar intake (some protein bars have more sugar than a chocolate bar).
Stop guessing & start progressing…